We offer professional services.
A business plan writing service is a team of business experts that take your ideas & numbers, combine it with some of their own research and produce a professional, well-formatted business plan. Any business strategy needs to have a plan that includes goals, manages risks, chooses a business model and promotes further improvements. It’s not just a document that outlines a few key points essential for business success. It's an elaborate, long-term undertaking, with different purposes depending on goals the business sets out to achieve and takes into things such as market research, funding, exposure and more.
Powerful presentation that will win over your audience. Best in class pitch deck designers and PowerPoint experts with hundreds of successfully completed assignments. Professional design based on your notes, sketches, images, description, visual enhancements and graphics. An eye-catching presentation will get your project stick out of the crowd. Investors are not only interested in great ideas but also in great teams. Finding an enthusiastic and original way to introduce your project reflects on your ingenuity as businessman.
We partner with experienced and professional legal services groups that can help you out with Agreements, Memorandums of Understanding, Letter of Intent, Expression of Interest and more at affordable prices. Don't enter any agreement before you fully understand the legal spectrum including conditions, warranties and the implying consequences to your business.
Reports covering a variety of topics, such as safety compliance, sales figures, financial data, feasibility studies and marketing plans. They may include statistics, charts, graphs, images, case studies and survey results. Some reports are published for the benefit of investors. If a report is periodic, such as a monthly sales report, a template is used for convenience and to enable comparison with previous reports. Dashboard and analytics tools, Excel advanced, Gantt charts, data integration and more.
Professional copywriters covering all types of communication including business emails, minutes of meetings, memos, conference call transcriptions, brochures, newsletters and more. It saves you time and is reassuring knowing you feed all of your communication channels with a professional message. Moreover, your team will keep focusing on business operations and no additional resources need to be allotted to administrative roles.
Statements of financial position, Income Statements, Cash Flow Statements auditing and valuation respecting IFRS standards and prepared by industry professionals. Analysis and interpretation of financial statements represent a key variable in the investment and funding process.

Our work is the presentation of our capabilities – Edward Gibbon